Source code for semanticizest._util

from collections import Sequence
from six.moves import xrange
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote

[docs]def ngrams_with_pos(lst, N=None): """Generate n-grams with indices from a list of strings. Parameters ---------- lst : list-like of strings N : int, optional Maximum n-gram length, defaults to the length of `lst`. Returns ----- tuple (start, end, n-gram) Tuples are start and end index in the original list `lst`, the n-gram is the space joined string value. The n-grams are yielded in leftmost longest order. Raises ------ TypeError If `N` is not an integer. ValueError If `N` is not at least 1. """ if N is None: N = len(lst) if not isinstance(N, int): raise TypeError("n-gram order N should be an integer, was %s" % type(N)) if N < 1: raise ValueError("n-gram order N should be 1 or greater %s" % N) join = " ".join for start in xrange(len(lst)): for n in xrange(1, 1 + min(N, len(lst) - start)): yield start, start + n, join(lst[start:start + n])
[docs]def ngrams(lst, N=None): """Generate bare n-grams from a list of strings. See Also -------- ngrams_with_pos : for a description of the arguments. """ return (ng for _, _, ng in ngrams_with_pos(lst, N))
[docs]def tosequence(x): """Cast x to sequence. Returns x if at all possible.""" return x if isinstance(x, Sequence) else list(x)
[docs]def url_from_title(title, wiki): """Turn an article title into a Wikipedia URL. Parameters ---------- wiki : string Denotes the specific Wikipedia (language), e.g. "en". """ title = title.strip() if not isinstance(title, bytes): title = title.encode('utf-8') title = title[0].upper() + title[1:] # Wikipedia-specific title = quote(title.replace(' ', '_'), safe=',()/:') return "https://{}{}".format(wiki, title)